We have two cats. We adopted Marley, a long-haired black feline, near the end of 2008 from a friend whose cat had a litter of kittens. James was kind of resistant at first, but when I told him I either wanted a cat or a baby he quickly came around to allowing a purring ball of fur into our home. (He knew I was joking... sort of.) And that was supposed to be it. One cat was enough for James. But Marley would get so lonely when we were gone all day at work (not to mention if we ever were out of town for a weekend!) that I finally convinced James we needed to get Marley a companion.
We adopted Reba, a short-haired orange and white tabby, from the Humane Society this past August. Thankfully Marley and Reba got along beautifully from the moment we brought her home. The only problem we've ever really had with Reba has been the occasional night when she's urinated on our bed. She did it several times right after we brought her home. We figured maybe as a kitten she was too afraid/lazy to make the trek across house to use the litter box in the laundry room. So we put a litter box in our bedroom for a few weeks and that seemed to take care of the problem. She did it again once after being spayed, but we figured it was probably due to a combination of the medication and the uncomfortable E-collar the vet sent her home wearing so she couldn't chew at her stitches.
But then she urinated on our bed again last night. Out of the blue. Which mystifies me. I'm hoping this doesn't become a habit for her. We've washed the sheets, sent the down comforter to the dry cleaners, and are keeping our fingers crossed that this was a one-time fluke. Otherwise somebody's getting locked in the laundry room at night.
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